Turtles and other marine species thrive in protected areas Getty Images
In 2010, the UK government set aside a huge swathe of the Indian Ocean for conservation. Spanning 640,000 square kilometres, the new Marine Protected Area is one of the largest protected areas anywhere on Earth.
Known as the British Indian Ocean Territory, this region is strategically important. “It is located within an area that is increasingly subject to fishing pressure from vessels from all over the world,” says Claire Collins of the University of Exeter in the UK.
But effective protection has made a big difference. In a 2020 study, scientists found that sea turtles are becoming more abundant, with green turtles laying over 20,000 clutches of eggs every year on the Chagos Archipelago within the Marine Protected Area. Nesting seabirds are also thriving, and beneath the waves coral now covers as much as 50 per cent of reef surfaces.
While the protection in the British Indian Ocean Territory is largely succeeding, Collins’ work highlights that illegal fishing does happen and more needs to be done to mitigate this, particularly by working with communities on the ground. Just 2.7 per cent of the world’s ocean is covered by a high degree of protection. But many scientists and governments want to increase that massively, to 30 per cent by 2030: or “30 by 30”. The goal is to create clean, diverse and sustainable marine environments that will have powerful effects on our planet.
A key message is that Marine Protected Areas offer important benefits to broader society. The United Nations estimates that over 3 billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods. The sea also slows climate change. Between 2009 and 2018, the ocean absorbed about 23 per cent of our carbon dioxide emissions each year.
But most oceans are poorly managed. A 2016 analysis of 4713 fisheries found that overfishing had left less than a third in good condition. Heating and pollution now threaten the Great Barrier Reef. Oil and gas exploration create noise and yet more pollution. At the same time, climate change is making waters warmer, more acidic and lowering oxygen levels, forcing species to migrate.
Expanding Marine Protected Areas to cover 30 per cent of the ocean will make a big difference, says Callum Roberts, also of the University of Exeter. Fishing can be banned, as can the extraction of aggregates, dredging and dumping. That also enhances the ocean’s ability to mop up carbon dioxide. “By boosting the sorts of communities that live there, you may be able to increase the capacity of the sea to take up carbon,” says Roberts.
In the long run, that helps fishing communities. As fish populations rebound inside the protected areas, they spill over into nearby fishing grounds, boosting catches.
Crucially, the benefits shift from local to global as Marine Protected Areas cover more of the ocean. This is where the 30 per cent target comes from, Roberts emphasises: it is based on estimates of how the marine ecosystem responds to protection as more areas are added to the network. “What you’re looking for is magnifying the effects of your network of protected areas, so that they’re felt across the whole of the sea,” says Roberts. The oceans, and the communities that rely on them, cannot afford to wait.